OpenCivics Collaborative Research Round

Ran on the Arbitrum blockchain from 07 Aug 2024 12:00 to 21 Aug 2024 11:59 (UTC).
Unknown Token 42000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$6300 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
21 Aug 2024 11:59
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
DAO platform for residential governance, successful in a 9-person house, integrates Slack-bot for community management, and aims to evolve to Web3. Funding sought for development and expansion.
RegenBuild šŸ”
RegenBuild aims to transform urban development by creating feedback loops to incentivize regenerative practices in the built environment, using a common language framework, a digital Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification platform, and a protocol to equitably distribute rewards.
Dunbarian Civilization Research
This project explores the formation and organization of Zuzalu-inspired pop-up villages and Dunbarian civilizations, aiming to share insights through articles on practical implementation and case studies.
ForkinWisdom: Revolutionizing Web3 with Immersive Scrollable Stories
Creating on-chain, gas-less collaborative research and milestone-reporting campaigns for 10+ public good projects to drive support, community engagement, and onboarding to web3 with economic incentives.
Commons Hub Brussels
A new space in Brussels, near Central Station, offers co-working, events, and educational opportunities for managing Commons, Public Goods, and DAOs, emphasizing participative democracy and regenerative systems.
Washika DAO enhances financial inclusion for marginalized communities in Tanzania and Kenya through decentralized governance and transparent financial services, leveraging the Celo blockchain and stablecoins.
Empowering Civic Engagement through Open Source Collaboration: A P2P Foundation Proposal
Collaborate to produce open-source research enabling community organizers to leverage web3 and civic innovation. Focus areas include governance, knowledge management, and alternative economics. Utilize P2P Foundationā€™s documentation expertise.
RnDAO - empowering humane collaboration
RnDAO is an R&D DAO supporting web3 collaboration software startups through research, venture building, and community education, focusing on humane collaboration and operational excellence.
Stephen Reid: Technological Metamodernism
This project investigates metamodernism's potential to navigate technology's impact on self, culture, and society, exploring AI, DAOs, transhumanism, and new narratives to cultivate a metamodern tech relationship.
Democratizing space technology via a DAO that nurtures a community for space exploration innovation, supports projects with an incubator program, and promotes open science through decentralized tools and tokenization.