OpenCivics Collaborative Research Round

Ran on the Arbitrum blockchain from 07 Aug 2024 12:00 to 21 Aug 2024 11:59 (UTC).
Unknown Token 42000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$6300 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
21 Aug 2024 11:59
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Catalyzing Bioregional Innovation
This research initiative supports the bioregional movement by connecting networks, documenting best practices, identifying gaps, and fostering collaboration to create resilient, sustainable communities aligned with natural systems.
Sideways Ostrom5
Ostrom5 facilitates conflict resolution and accountability in Web3, open source, and activism networks through a membership-based system, using Elinor Ostrom’s principles for governing the commons.
MycoFi for Municipal Resilience
The project aims to equip municipalities with resources and networks to enhance economic resilience and antifragility using nature-inspired design principles and Web3 technology, ensuring cities thrive amid crises.
Governance in Context with Knowledge Organization Infrastructure (KOI)
The project aims to revolutionize knowledge management for DAOs and collectives by developing a dynamic, graph-based infrastructure using Reference Identifiers, enhancing collaboration, confidentiality, and integration with Large Language Models.
Flow State (Streaming Quadratic Funding)
A digital coop and impact funding platform using programmable money for continuous funding and rewarding impact creators with future cash flows; features include Streaming Quadratic Funding for sustainable public good contributions.
VoiceDeck: A Marketplace for Journalism Impact Certificates
Funding journalists via web3 certificates for stories with measurable impact, bypassing traditional grant models, focusing on accountability and incentive for sustained reporting.
LexClinic [alpha-to-beta]
LexClinic alpha provided web3 legal guidance, educated law students, facilitated 501(c)3 charity designations for projects, and conducted cost-effective legal research. Transitioning to beta involves enhanced management, subscriptions, protocol expansion, and legal engineering grants.
ImpactEvaluation.Foundation 🌱 IEF
Create a collaborative, open-source platform to consolidate best practices in ecological impact verification, offer training for impact verifiers, and develop a transparent marketplace for verification services.
Commons Economy Roadmap - Iteration 2
A research and promotion initiative empowering 32 projects building open infrastructures. It includes community engagement, feedback mechanisms, and seeks grant funding for enhanced operations in the second iteration.
Dubbin Public Goods
This project aims to dub and translate Public Goods content into Turkish, Spanish, and Portuguese, posting on YouTube and podcasts. Funds will cover AI dubbing, social media management, and workspace organization.
Impact Reporting Interoperability
Aligning impact reporting tools and frameworks among civic actors and cosmo-local networks to enhance coherence, collaboration, and economic support through facilitated discussions, publications, and incentivizing non-Web3 impact reporting.
Coh3rence promotes inclusive decision-making, conflict transformation, and holistic well-being in DAOs and Web3 communities by developing human-centric protocols, supporting continuous growth, and creating technological tools for better collaboration.
Family Food Bank (ReFi)
The Family Food Bank Project empowers families through sustainable tech, enhances food security, energy efficiency, and community resilience, leveraging Web3 and blockchain for global deployment and impact.
Ethereal Forest's Open Protocol Research Group
The research group explores analog-world parallels to the decentralized web, engaging in ethnographic research and developing practical concepts to enable alliances between the extitutional web and the urban protocol underground.