Hackathon Alumni

Ran on the Arbitrum blockchain from 23 Apr 2024 12:00 to 07 May 2024 23:59 (UTC).
Unknown Token 100000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$10000 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
07 May 2024 23:59
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Developing a system for crypto transactions via clickable links, enhancing safety and convenience with programmable wallets.
LensView: A universal platform for reviews and discussions on any webpage, fostering a new era of global online discourse.
Developing open-source standards and software to enable location-based apps on the decentralized web; includes geospatial data technologies and smart contract registries. Includes research, collaborations, and presentations on sustainable and governance applications.
DAO Coalition
Advocacy group for DAOs seeking legal clarity, building governance tools, pursuing 501(c)(4) status, and launching lobbying efforts. Founded by DAO industry leaders.
Decentralized approach to clinical trials using proprietary smartwatches and software, fostering inclusivity, efficiency, data privacy, and participant engagement through tokenomics within a community-driven ecosystem.
Advocating for Web3 innovation through community building, educational resources, mentorship, and fostering diversity in blockchain, Python, JavaScript, and Next.js technologies.
Gitcoin Grants Data Portal
An open-source data platform that centralizes Gitcoin Grants data, enhancing accessibility and analysis to foster ecosystem growth and showcase impact through community-driven research.
Epoch Protocol
Developing a protocol for automated, conditional on-chain transactions with features like batching and task scheduling, currently in beta with controlled user access.
Stable Borrow(STB)
Stable Borrow is a multi-faceted DeFi platform offering overcollateralized lending, GameFi rewards, DEX services, and tokenization of assets, with unique features like Soulbound tokens for reputation building.
Leaf Track
LeafTrack offers a blockchain-based remote sensing service using satellite imagery and NDVI to monitor and protect vegetation health in nature reserves, assist in conservation, prevent deforestation, and support sustainable agriculture.
EazyWally is an Africa-focused tool that simplifies crypto transactions by linking wallet addresses to contact information, like a phone number, ensuring ease of use and security.
Volunteer activities in community service help reduce greenhouse gases by tree planting, promoting recycling, energy efficiency, public transport, and supporting renewable energy and sustainable practices.
SolidityGPT enhances blockchain fairness and ethics by helping users understand and audit smart contracts with AI, promoting trust and transparency for non-technical users and developers.