Providing universal access to ChatGPT with a fund-supported, privacy-compliant, multilingual interface for countries without account verification.
Created 1 year ago
Spacerox DAO: Building Space as a Common Good
Spacerox DAO is a web3-based funding and incubation platform promoting sustainable, trustless space industry operations, seeking grant support to expand its impact.
Created 9 months ago
DeSci London - Growing a Network of Communities
A London-based DeSci community hosting free events, conferences, and offering a co-working space to foster collaboration between builders, investors, academics, and the curious in the decentralized science sector.
Created 1 year ago
Future Folklore
Future Folklore is a community supporting impossible dreams across fields, funding UAP research through NFT art auctions, promoting global science collaboration, and creating commercial IP for public and economic benefit.
Created 1 year ago
A decentralized community creating a Virtual Herbarium of scientifically accurate 3D plant models as NFTs, enabling global access, supporting research and conservation with community-driven funding.
Created 1 year ago
LifeShip | Decentralized space capsules
LifeShip is a decentralized DNA seed bank time capsule project for the Moon, involving a community in creating a genetic and cultural record of Earth's species and humanity for future interstellar missions.
Created 9 months ago
Cognitive Solutions in a Decentralized World
Develop a low-cost, online, decentralized mental health program offering evidence-based CBT skills and psychoeducation to address global therapy accessibility and affordability.
Created 1 year ago
Sci2sci is creating a decentralized data-sharing ecosystem for scientists with services including a structured data search engine, a research data publishing platform, and an integrated electronic lab notebook.
Created 1 year ago
The DeSci Journal
Building a blockchain-based decentralized scientific journal, The DeSci Journal, allows scientists to publish, monetize, and maintain copyright on research papers as NFTs.
Created 9 months ago
DeTech.World - DeSci Platform
Web3 platform for trading and investing in disruptive tech and DeSci, featuring IP-NFTs, instant IP protection, AI tech assessment, and novel funding and licensing tools.
Created 1 year ago
Stopping Alzheimer's with Light and Sound
Developing a therapeutic headset and software suite (IRENA) for a decentralized clinical trial on non-drug interventions to combat Alzheimer's and enhance cognitive function.
Created 1 year ago Meets Web3 - Crowdsourced Clinical Trials, Inverse Quadratic Funding, and You!
Developing a Web3-based longevity research crowdfunding and crowdsourcing platform, utilizing blockchain for matched funding, DeSci crowdsourced clinical trials, and aging biomarkers.
Created 1 year ago
DeSci Africa
Empowering African scientists through decentralized science; creating, curating educational content; supporting conferences; striving for widespread DeSci adoption and community growth.
Created 1 year ago
DeSci Youths
Project Summary: Implement decentralized and regenerative science practices to cultivate a new generation of scientists in Africa and foster digital wellbeing through impact projects focused on healing Earth.
Created 1 year ago
Speculative Technologies field strategist cohort
A cohort program by Speculative Technologies to mentor a small group in becoming "field strategists," identifying and unlocking impactful research avenues within technology sectors over nine months.
Created 1 year ago