Research Automation
The project aims to automate the entire research process, involving a global community to create a more open and accessible system in line with DeSci's philosophy of research as a public good.
Created 1 year ago
TalentDAO: Future of Work is Decentralized
TalentDAO is revolutionizing the future of work by leveraging DAOs to decentralize knowledge, talent, and scientific research, while targeting United Nations' sustainability goals and providing Web3 solutions for scientific collaboration.
Created 6 months ago
LexDAO, a leading legal impact DAO, supports decentralized organizations in legal compliance. It promotes legal engineering and seeks donations to cover operational costs, advocating for open-source legal engineering.
Created 1 year ago
Fundacja Podaruj Dane (Donate Your Data Foundation)
Europe's first foundation enabling Polish patients to donate anonymous medical data to research while maintaining full control, with over 10,000 consents collected, seeking to transform healthcare research.
Created 1 year ago
Providing universal access to ChatGPT with a fund-supported, privacy-compliant, multilingual interface for countries without account verification.
Created 1 year ago
Spacerox DAO: Building Space as a Common Good
Spacerox DAO is a web3-based funding and incubation platform promoting sustainable, trustless space industry operations, seeking grant support to expand its impact.
Created 9 months ago
DeSci London - Growing a Network of Communities
A London-based DeSci community hosting free events, conferences, and offering a co-working space to foster collaboration between builders, investors, academics, and the curious in the decentralized science sector.
Created 1 year ago
Future Folklore
Future Folklore is a community supporting impossible dreams across fields, funding UAP research through NFT art auctions, promoting global science collaboration, and creating commercial IP for public and economic benefit.
Created 1 year ago
A decentralized community creating a Virtual Herbarium of scientifically accurate 3D plant models as NFTs, enabling global access, supporting research and conservation with community-driven funding.
Created 1 year ago
LifeShip | Decentralized space capsules
LifeShip is a decentralized DNA seed bank time capsule project for the Moon, involving a community in creating a genetic and cultural record of Earth's species and humanity for future interstellar missions.
Created 10 months ago
Cognitive Solutions in a Decentralized World
Develop a low-cost, online, decentralized mental health program offering evidence-based CBT skills and psychoeducation to address global therapy accessibility and affordability.
Created 1 year ago
Sci2sci is creating a decentralized data-sharing ecosystem for scientists with services including a structured data search engine, a research data publishing platform, and an integrated electronic lab notebook.
Created 1 year ago
The DeSci Journal
Building a blockchain-based decentralized scientific journal, The DeSci Journal, allows scientists to publish, monetize, and maintain copyright on research papers as NFTs.
Created 10 months ago
DeTech.World - DeSci Platform
Web3 platform for trading and investing in disruptive tech and DeSci, featuring IP-NFTs, instant IP protection, AI tech assessment, and novel funding and licensing tools.
Created 1 year ago
Stopping Alzheimer's with Light and Sound
Developing a therapeutic headset and software suite (IRENA) for a decentralized clinical trial on non-drug interventions to combat Alzheimer's and enhance cognitive function.
Created 1 year ago